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Home Page

     Hello Everyone :D. My name is Elisabeth, or Liz for short. I am currently a freshman in college and a student at the beautiful University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I have created this website as a virtual portfolio for my English 1102 class. It serves as a way to demonstrate my experience and growth as a writer throughout this semester, as well as showcase a few of my writings.


     Enter at you own risk: As you travel through this portfolio you will slowly delve deeper and deeper into my mind. As a child my nickname was deemed to be “Phoenix,” because trouble had a weird way of finding me, but no matter my personal struggles I always continued to rise from the ashes. I tend to be a strong and independent young woman who is often very hard to describe (much like the mythical bird I have just mentioned.) I’ve always said that I have an acquired taste, because you’ll either love me or hate me, there’s not really anything in the middle (like a forest fire or a camp fire.) I have a strong and well pronounced personality. I am stubborn, hard headed, and sometimes hard to handle, but with those bad qualities also come the good. At the very least you can say that I’m very passionate. I stand for what I believe in and often times refuse to say no. I have an obsession with helping people and though I know that I cannot do it alone I drive my actions in a way that could someday possibly help the world (I know I’m kind of crazy.) I believe that everything happens for a reason and that love make’s the world go ’round. In layman’s terms I’m like a fire. I’m raw and hard to handle, but beneath it all is beauty and warmth. My writing tends to completely reflect all of that, as I have just mentioned, it may be rough but it will always be passionate and I am sure that the deeper you look into it, the more you will find. Enjoy

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